The Mapping Office at New River Light and Power provides Computer Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD) and Geographic Information System (GIS) services for Appalachian State University.
Contact the Mapping Office at 828-264-3671
The office assists with planning, design, implementation of maintenance, and capital improvement projects for the university and its subsidiaries. Primarily, the office is responsible for organizing, maintaining, updating and controlling archive drawings and documents of university buildings, properties, and infrastructures.
GIS provides information about where points, lines, and polygons are spatially and stores information about each object. GIS has the ability to perform complex calculations to answer many spatial questions. The GIS department at NRLP provides an internal map portal as well as public facing map applications.
For more information about GIS visit Esri's What is GIS?
The Mapping Office is located at the New River Light and Power main office at the corner of Faculty St. Ext. and Winkler's Creek Rd. The phone number for the Mapping Office is 828-264-3671.